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Daddy - the Serial Podcast Guest!

Did you know, in addition to our blog and social media channels, I (Daddy speaking) also love to appear on podcasts? It's become my fave hobby - providing advice and talking about my experiences as an adoptive dad for podcast listeners.

Here's a handy list of my podcast appearances so you can have a listen! They're all available on the main podcast channels including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Dadvengers Podcast

Hosted by CBeebies' Nigel Clark


You Can Adopt Podcast

Hosted by The Only Way Is Essex' Debbie Bright


The School For Father's Podcast

Hosted by author and mum of ten Danusia Malina-Derben


Lockdown Dads

Hosted by James Millar and Ian Dinwiddy


Thriving Adoptees Podcast

Hosted by Simon Benn


BBC Dads Aloud

Hosted by BBC Wiltshire's Nick and Dan


Enjoy! Jamie x

2 commentaires

Fred Burt
Fred Burt
12 août

I didn’t realize you were into podcasts too. I’ll definitely check out your appearances. Your perspective as an adoptive dad must bring a lot of value to the discussions. geometry dash


han gu
han gu
17 juin

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