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3 min read
Adoption myth-busting... #YouCanAdopt
This week marks the launch of the 2020 national adoption recruitment campaign... #YouCanAdopt...

7 min read
Bribes and punishments. Do they work?
Did I mention Lyall and Rich like to squabble? Relentlessly? Like every moment they have together? Find out more here!

3 min read
Books | The Blanket Bears
Sam's beautiful new children's book, The Blanket Bears follows the adoption journey of two neglected little bears...

2 min read
Talking to the boys about their memories
Richard's earliest memory is eating custard doughnuts on a beach on holiday when he was three. Probing deeper into Richard's memory...

4 min read
The adoption process - part five
Here it is folks; the final part of our adoption application process and the prequel to the very beginning of the Daddy & Dad story almost..

1 min read
Daddy & Dad talk adoption with BuzzFeed
See Daddy & Dad and a nice little cameo from the boys in the latest BuzzFeed UK videos about parenting (sponsored by Calpol). Enjoy!

5 min read
Adoption Panel - The biggest interview of your life!
We've all been there... the dreaded job interview. All those antiquated techniques you learned in the careers room at school are dredged...

6 min read
The adoption process - part four
In part three, Tom and I were recommended for adoption by the panel and, sure enough a couple of weeks later a formal letter arrived from...

4 min read
Adopting Siblings... Double Trouble?
This is a throwback to a blog post written in 2018! Enjoy x There’s no denying the fact that being a parent is hard work, right? On one...

4 min read
The adoption process - part three
After our final assessment visit from Michelle, things went quiet for a couple of weeks. The assessment had been intrusive and demanding...

5 min read
The adoption process - part two
Above: Our nephews from Nordhorn in Germany who helped us with our assessment 💙 Find part one by clicking here The grand assessment...

7 min read
The adoption process – part one
I started producing the Daddy & Dad blog shortly after Lyall and Rich ‘moved in’ back in 2014, after our adoption process had reached its...

5 min read
Adopting Siblings – National Adoption Week 2017
National Adoption Week 2017 (October 16th-22nd) focused on adopting siblings. There are thousands of adorable little sibling groups...

3 min read
LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week – 7-13 March 2016
This isn’t strictly a new blog post (slapped wrist) but rather an article that I put together recently for LGBT family network New Family...

5 min read
Stepping into the unknown
Question (Beyoncé fans of a certain age raise their hand): Is it okay or not to leave the children in the car at the petrol station while...

5 min read
The end of a long adoption process
(Warning – there is some awful bad language in this blog update, if you’re of an easily offended persuasion, skip the first bit) Here I...

3 min read
One year of Daddy and Dad
Heavens. (Oo I sound just like Grannie Jean. Hi Jean *waves). It’s already April 2015 and officially twelve months into our adoption...

2 min read
The introduction, part two
Find part one here. The front door of the foster home opened; it was the boys’ foster carer, Lindsey, sporting a huge smile and reaching...

2 min read
The introduction, part one
Arriving half an hour early, we parked the car in a lay-by just around the corner from Lyall and Richard’s foster home. It was a sunny...
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